Notice of Race
The race will be held on Saturday August 10, 2024. Start time will be 1200.
The race will begin at the #1 mark of the shipping channel east of Brisbane and end at the east end of the Brisbane Marina channel.
The rules and scoring of the race shall be as stated in the Treasure Island Race Sailing Instructions . Prizes will be awarded.
Sailing Instructions, Start/Finish Area Chart and Online Race Registration (or print and submit this Registration Form) are posted on the Club’s website,
Entry is open to all monohull sailing yachts meeting NCPHRF rating criteria ( Yachts having a valid Northern California PHRF Certificate shall provide a copy with their entry form. Yachts with no certificate shall be assigned the rating for their boat type as published in the NCPHRF Base Rating Report, latest edition before the first race.
No entry fee will be charged to members of the Sierra Point Yacht Club or to non-members who have paid the full season fee for Beer Can Racing. Non-members shall pay $15 for this individual race.
Racers may enter by mailing the Registration Form, Certificate if applicable, and payment if applicable, to: Race Committee Chairman, Sierra Point Yacht Club, 500 Sierra Point Parkway, Brisbane, CA 94005-1896, or, Registration Form and Certificate may be e-mailed to
A completed and signed Registration Form (with Certificate and payment if applicable) must be received in hand by the Race Committee not later than 2 days prior to race date. Racers already registered for the Beer Can Races must notify the Race Committee of their intent to race not later than 2 days prior to race date.

Saturday August 10