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Sierra Point Yacht Club 

HomeTI Sailing Instructions 2024

Sierra Point Yacht Club


Beer Can Races 2024


Treasure Island Race Sailing Instructions


Note:  These instructions are based on the Sierra Point Yacht Club Beer Can Races 2024 Sailing Instructions.  For convenience and clarity portions changed herein are written in bold text.

Intent:  These races are intended to be a casual introduction to sail boat racing for new racers, and an opportunity for more experienced racers and crews to practice and develop their skills.  The Club sponsors these races to encourage and improve camaraderie, good sportsmanship, fair play, and skill development among the participants; actions by racers or their crew which are contrary to these goals will be viewed with dismay and alarm by the Race Committee.

  1. Rules
    1. The races will be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing (“RRS”), latest edition, except where these Instructions provide different or contrary direction; in the event of a conflict between these Instructions and RRS, these Instructions shall prevail.
    2. At all times racers, yachts, and crews shall comply with United States Coast Guard requirements for recreational vessels and with RRS 1.2 “Life Saving Equipment and Personal Flotation Devices”.
    3. Racers shall make themselves familiar with and comply with the United States Coast Guard “Navigation Rules”.Note in particular that when a race course enters the shipping channel racers shall yield any and all rights of way to commercial traffic or other large vessels in accordance with the “Navigation Rules”.
    4. Racers are required to have a functional VHF radio on board and to monitor channel 72 at all times before and during the races. Failure to do so may cause the racer to miss important announcements or direct communications from the Race Committee; inability of the racer to communicate with the Race Committee which results in penalties to a racer may not be appealed.
      1. Any racer making inappropriate, misleading, or otherwise specious radio calls or announcements to the Race Committee or other racers may be disqualified at the sole discretion of the Race Committee.
    5. Pursuant to RRS Rule 42.3(i) a boat’s use of propulsion by engine or any other method while racing is permitted only as follows: 

      1.5.1   When in immediate danger of striking a fixed or rigid mark or other obstruction due to conditions of calm or very light wind and tidal current.  A boat using propulsion in these conditions shall notify the race committee as soon as possible of the duration of its use, the circumstances, and what actions were taken to insure the boat did not gain an advantage in the race.  The race committee shall review each instance of propulsion use for compliance with this rule.

      1.5.2   After a boat finishes.

  2. Schedule of Races
    1. The race will be held on Saturday August 10, 2024.
    2. Races may be cancelled due to inclement weather or other reasons at the discretion of the Race Committee. Racers will be notified by e-mail (at their e-mail address written on the Racing Registration Form) if the race is cancelled.If a race is cancelled shortly before start time or after it has started the Race Committee shall hail racers on VHF channel 72.
    3. All racers will start at 1200.
    4. The standard time reference for starting and timing races shall be local “GPS time” as it appears on a standard GPS receiver.
  3. Handicap
    1. Northern California PHRF ratings will be used for time-on-distance handicapping.
    2. Yachts with a valid certificate must provide a copy to the Race Committee.
    3. Yachts with no certificate will be assigned the rating for their yacht (manufacturer and model) listed in the Northern California PHRF Base Rating Report, latest edition, before the first race of the series.
      1. The Race Committee shall adjust base ratings according to the information provided on the Racing Registration Form in accordance with NCPHRF “Rules and Guidelines” part VIII “Adjustments to Base Ratings”.
    4. Yachts without a certificate and not listed shall be assigned a rating at the discretion of the Race Committee.
  4. Course
    1. Refer to the “SPYC start/finish area chart” and to Coast Guard charts 18650 “San Francisco Bay, Candlestick Point to Angel Island” and 18651 “San Francisco Bay, Southern Part”.The course shall begin at the north end of the shipping channel east of Brisbane and shall proceed northward to Treasure Island and pass north of the Treasure Island North Light, then turn south and return to the start/finish area by way of the opposite side of Treasure Island from that which the racer passed while northbound. The racer may pass Treasure Island in the northbound direction on either the east or west side of the island.
    2. Starting line shall be a line between shipping channel marks #1 and #2, subject to wind conditions at the start of race time. The exact start procedure and sequence shall be selected at the pre-race meeting noted in part 5.1 of these instructions.
    3. Finish line shall be a line between the E2 mark and the south east corner of the yacht club building.
    4. Each boat shall provide the Race Committee with a photograph of the Treasure Island North light taken from a position north of the light when the boat passes the light. The photo shall be identified as to the boat name and approximate time the photograph was taken. The photo may be emailed or texted to the race Committee so it is received within 24 hours of the end of the race. Text and email addresses will be provided at the pre-race meeting in part 5.1.Boats are required to call the Race Committee on VHF channel 72 or by phone not less than 1 minute before crossing the finish line and again immediately after crossing the finish line.
  5. The Start
    1. All boat captains shall meet in the Sierra Point Yacht Club building from 1045 to 1100 on the race date to review the Sailing Instructions as amended and specifically to confirm the procedures for the start of the race, including the estimated start time.
    2. A crew member of one of the racing boats shall be designated as the representative of the Race Committee and shall communicate with the fleet on VHF channel 72 to coordinate the start. The representative shall sound one long horn blast as a preparatory signal approximately 1 minute before the start and one short horn blast at the start time and record that time.
    3. Note that a yacht is considered to be “racing” from the time of her race’s preparatory signal and all rules apply from that time onward.
  6. Time of Race
    1. The Race Committee shall record the time of the start of the race and the time each yacht crosses the finish line.
      1. A race will end when the last racer, except those that have notified the Race Committee of retirement from the race, crosses the finish line, or, at 1900.Racers who have not completed the course before the race end shall be scored DNF.
  7. Protests
    1. In consideration of the Intent of the Club in holding the Beer Can Races protests are strongly discouraged. Only protests involving serious violations will be heard by the committee; such protests must be presented to the Race Committee within one (1) hour of the end of the race on a standard US Sailing Protest Form, fully completed with permanent ink.
    2. The Race Committee shall rule on any protest prior to the start of the following week’s first Tuesday night race, or sooner at its discretion.
  8. Race Scoring
    1. For each race each yacht shall have their actual finish time corrected according to the course length and their handicap to determine each yacht’s finishing place. Refer to NCPHRF Rules and Guidelines part IV for Time-on-Distance race results.
    2. Prizes shall be awarded to the first, second, and third place yachts in each class, class 1 being yachts with PHRF 159 or less and class 2 being yachts with PHRF 160 or more.
    3. Race results shall be posted in the Club dining room not later than 2000.
  9. Disclaimer of Liability
    1. Racers and their crew participate in the Beer Can Races, including this Treasure Island Race, entirely at their own risk; racers agree to be bound by RRS Rule 4 “Decision to Race”. The Sierra Point Yacht Club will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after a race or races. Each racer or yacht owner is solely responsible for informing his or her crew and passengers of (i) the substance of this part 10.0, and, (ii) that this Disclaimer applies also to them, one and all.