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Sierra Point Yacht Club 

HomeRacing News 2016 - 2020

Sierra Point Yacht Club Racing Program Latest News


September 4, 2020

Treasure Island Race Results - August 29

See the race photo album here.

September 4, 2020

Race Results - August 25

August 19, 2020

Race Results - August 18

August 12, 2020

SPYC Annual Treasure Island Race


Sierra Point Yacht club will be hosting the 4th annual Treasure Island Race on August 29th @ 12pm. Please gather close to the committee boat which will be outside channel marker #1

The race is from the outside of Brisbane Marina, around Treasure Island and back to the #1 channel marker.

More information can be found here.

Food after the race will be prepared at the club and can be taken To-Go.

Contact: Dylan Garrett

August 12, 2020

Race Results - August 11

August 10, 2020

Hello SPYC Racers!!!


The Beer Can racing got off to a rough start as we dealt with dragging anchors on the committee boat but after spending $600 on a new anchor we are finally holding the start line. Many thanks to Vince who has let us use his boat as the committee boat this year. Even though it was a rough start I think people just appreciated being out racing again.

We will be continuing to have Beer Can Races on Tuesday night but we also will be having the Treasure Island Race August 29th. It will be a 12pm start and all are welcome to join. I will post details at the club and on the docks. After the race we will have to-go meals that can be picked up at the club.
It’s nice to see boat out racing again I hope we can finish the season strong.

It’s nice to see boat out racing again I hope we can finish the season strong.

Dylan Garrett


Race Director

Vice Commodore

August 8, 2020

Race Results -August 4

August 8, 2020

Race Results -July 28

July 28, 2020

Race Results -July 21 (Corrected)

July 22, 2020

Race Results -July 14


2020 Race 11

July 22, 2020

Race Results -July 7




USCG has given us approval to start resume racing. The first race will be held on Tuesday July 7th. We  recommend that racers only crew with people who they are sheltering in place with or is in their "pod". There will be no dinner after the race at this time..




August 29, 2019

Racing Season Ends With A Strong Breeze

August 27th was our last race and it was a good one: we had double the winds that were forecast and the fleet had a brisk run to #6 with the flood behind it. Wind at the finish held up at about ten knots until after the last boat finished. Everyone was back in under ninety minutes so there was plenty of time for dinner, and it was a cheerful scene.
I want to thank all my volunteers who worked through the season to make the Beer Can Racing program the success it is. I certainly can’t do it alone! Especially I want to thank Renee for organizing the dinners, Melissa for wrangling bartenders, and Dylan for backing me up as second in command.
With the final race we finished the third series of races and the winners were:

Race 1

First – Outrageous
Second – Lackerli
Third – No Name

Race 2

First – Papoose
Second – Nessie
Third – Giselle

The Racing Awards will be presented at the monthly dinner on Saturday September 21st. Terry O’Connell will be cooking roast beef plus a vegetarian alternative. I hope to see all the racers and crews and hearing their stories of the season. Mark your calendars now!

Quincy Bragg

August 28, 2019

Race Results -August 27


2019 Race 17 Results

Race Results -August 20


2019 Race 16 Results

Race Results -August 13


2019 Race 15 Results

Race Results -August 6


2019 Race 14 Results

July 31, 2019

Race Results -July 30


2019 Race 13 Results

July 30, 2019

Second Race Series of 2019 Concludes

The Sierra Point Beer Can Races are divided into three series of five races. On July 23rd the second series concluded with winners as follows:

Race 1

First – Outrageous
Second – Kissimmee Kate
Third – Sparky

Race 2

First – Nessie
Second – Giselle
Third – Geodesic IV

Congratulations to all of our racers! We have just five more races to go this season so we hope to see all our regulars out there from July 30th to the end of the season on August 27th. If you are new to sail racing it’s not too late to get acquainted. 

Quincy Bragg

July 25, 2019

Race Results -July 24


2019 Race 12 Results

July 17, 2019

Race 11 on July 17 was cancelled due to weather.


July 10, 2019

Race Results -July 9


2019 Race 10 Results

July 10, 2019

Race Results -July 2


2019 Race 9 Results

June 28, 2019

Race Results -June 26


2019 Race 8 Results

June 24, 2019

Treasure Island Race Results - June 22


2019 TI Race Results

June 19, 2019

Race Results -June 19


2019 Race 7 Results

June 12, 2019

First Race Series of 2019 Concludes

The Sierra Point Beer Can Races are divided into three series of five races. Last night, June 11, the first series concluded with winners as follows:

Race 1

First – Outrageous
Second – Sparky
Third – Kissimmee Kate

Race 2

First – Nessie
Second – Papoose
Third – Smoking’ J

Congratulations to all of our racers! Nessie and Papoose have been head to head this season and tied on points but Nessie won the tie breaker.

Last night the wind was unusually flukey at the start with the first race sailors drifting aimlessly in light winds south of the start area while the second race boats had what can only be described as a providential wind that got them off to a quick start.

We will hope that spring heat waves are done for now so we have our normal reliable winds.

Don’t forget – June 22nd is the Treasure Island Race. Let me know at before June 18th that you are going to participate.

June 12, 2019

Race Results -June 11


June 5, 2019

Race Results -June 4


May 30, 2019

Race Results -May 28


2019 Race 4 Results

May 27, 2019

Race to Treasure Island – June 22nd

Treasure Island

The Sierra Point Yacht Club Beer Can Races will have their annual race to Treasure Island on Saturday June 22nd. Captains’ meeting at 1245 and race start at 1400. Racers must confirm their intent to participate not later than June 18th.
This is Summer Sailstice day so make this your event to celebrate sailing and summer on the San Francisco Bay!
The bar will be open from 1600 and we will have a dinner in the club after the race beginning at 1800. Meet your non-racing family and friends at the Club for dinner and tell them all about it!
Dinner cost is $15.00 per person for steak or marinated whole boneless chicken breast or vegetarian lasagna, baked potato, salad, and dessert; beverages not included. Children 12 years of age or under $10.00 each.
Everyone is welcome to compete – see details on our website.

May 15, 2019

Race Results -May 14


2019 Race 2 Results

May 14, 2019

Race Results -May 7


2019 Race 1 Results

That pretty much says it all, folks.  First race next Tuesday, all the information you need to join in is on the Club website.  From the main page click on Racing/Information.

The goals of the Sierra Point YC Beer Can Racing program are to build camaraderie among the participants and to develop and improve sailing skills.  It’s not so different from your weekend afternoon recreational outing except we tell you where to sail – that exercise alone focuses your attention and teaches you about your boat and how to optimize its performance.  Regardless of your skill level or the type of sailboat you own, you are welcome.

On shore we are always eager to have volunteers – we need bartenders, cooks, and start/finish line helpers.  Contact me to volunteer.  It’s a relaxed atmosphere and a change from your everyday routine.  You don’t need to be a sailor to enjoy that.

One final note:  we’ll be having our Treasure Island Race on Saturday June 22nd in the afternoon, followed by dinner at the club.  I’ll have all the information about that posted on the website in a week or two.  If you want to race but Tuesday nights are difficult to fit in, a warm summer Saturday afternoon should be just the thing.


Quincy Bragg


Aug 29, 2018

Race Results - August 28


August 27, 2018

Last Race and Racing Awards Dinner Coming Up



This Tuesday is the last race of our Beer Can Racing season so it’s your last chance to shine.  In addition, a couple of the prize placements in the third race series are undecided and will be determined by Tuesday’s race.  Don’t miss it!

Our Racing Awards Dinner will be on Saturday September 15that the yacht club.  This year we have changed our format to awarding trophies for the various race series, the Treasure Island Race, and other categories. I have just made a preliminary review of this year’s results and it looks like we’re going to be buying a lot of trophies – this means you need to be there to receive yours!  Boat captains who can’t make it to the dinner should be sure that one of their crew does attend to pick up their boat’s trophy.

September 15thdinner – cocktails from 6:00 p.m., dinner at 7:00.  Giselle will be our chefs for the evening.

Quincy Bragg

Aug 22, 2018

Race Results - August 21


Aug 16, 2018

Race Results - August 15


Aug 8, 2018

Race Results - August 7


Aug 1, 2018

Race Results - July 31


July 25, 2018

Racing News Update July 24th

On Tuesday night July 24th our second series of five races concluded and the winners announced. The Series score sheet is posted here as well.  To qualify for a Series prize a boat must complete at least four of the races; if the boat finishes all five then the high score is thrown out.

Sarah FitzGerald has been taking starting line pictures.  They are posted at  Username SierraPointYC.  Password SPYCbeercans.  I have some additional photos taken by Scott Wall at the windward buoy in the first couple of races (the picture at the top of the page is one) and will get those posted this week.

Five (5) races to go this season!  Don’t miss a one.

July 18, 2018

Race Results - July 17


July 5, 2018

Race Results - July 3


June 27, 2018

Race Results - June 26


June 26, 2018

Racing to Treasure Island … and back



On Saturday June 23rdwe had Treasure Island race.  Twelve boats participated starting at the north end of the shipping channel east of Brisbane, around Treasure island (either way – racer’s choice), and back to finish at the SPYC #2 finish line mark.  Racers were required to prove they went around by providing a picture of the light at the north end of the island; this one is from Time Warp.

It was a warm day, almost a heat wave, but there was wind most of the way.  Some of us got stuck northbound at the Bay Bridge, others south of the new Bay Bridge.  But we were all back in time for dinner at the Club, which was a great success.

Thanks to all the racers and crews who participated, and, thanks to the volunteers who scored the finish line, poured the drinks, and cooked the food for dinner!

Quincy Bragg, Race Director

June 26, 2018

TI Race Results - June 23


June 20, 2018

Race Results - June 19


June 13, 2018

Race Results - June 12


June 6, 2018

Race Results - June 5

May 23, 2018

Race Results - May 22

May 16, 2018

Race Results - May 15

May 10, 2018

Race Results - May 8

May 1, 2018

Race to Treasure Island – June 23rd


The Sierra Point Yacht Club Beer Can Races will have their annual race to Treasure Island on Saturday June 23rd.  Captains’ meeting at 1245 and race start at 1400.  Racers must confirm their intent to participate not later than June 19th.

This is Summer Sailstice day so make this your event to celebrate sailing and summer on the San Francisco Bay!

The bar will be open from 1600 and we will have a dinner in the club after the race beginning at 1800.  Meet your non-racing family and friends at the Club for dinner and tell them all about it! 

Dinner cost is $15.00 per person for steak or marinated whole boneless chicken breast or vegetarian lasagna, baked potato, salad, and dessert; beverages not included.  Children 12 years of age or under $10.00 each.

Everyone is welcome to compete.  Visit the Notice of TI Race page.

Quincy Bragg, Race Director

April 5, 2018

Beer Can Racing Preview


If you retain only one fact from this article let it be this:  SPYC Beer Can Racing starts Tuesday May 1 at 1800.  Be there or be square.


Please take a look at the revised course charts posted on the website:  there is one new course and it is designated 4-1-2-4.  This is the longest course and will be used in the long evenings of June and July if winds permit.  Other than this addition there are no changes to the format and rules of the racing program (there was a tiny error in the Instructions, now corrected – be the first to tell me what is and I’ll buy you a beer).


The Notice, Instructions with charts, and Registration Form are posted on the website.  If you have questions or comments feel free to email me after April 5th.


We will have one Treasure Island Race this year and it will be on Saturday June 23rd.  Start time will be 2:00 p.m. and there will be a dinner (we hope) afterwards.  This is still in planning but we expect to have details by May 1.  Note also this is Summer Sailstice day and the race is planned as our Sailstice event.


This year I will hold the annual orientation presentation for new racers on Sunday April 15th.  This is intended for racers who are new to our program to explain how it works.  Check the Club calendar on line.


By popular demand, we are upping our game on the dinners.

  • Burger patties will be 1/3 pound in place of the quarter pound ones we have used in the past.
  • Burger alternatives will include chicken breast, veggie, and, new this year – gourmet sausages.
  • For a premium of $5.00 we will have top sirloin steaks available, also cook-it-yourself.
  • Single meals will be $9 which reflects both the increase in quality of the offerings and the inevitable increase that comes with not having raised the prices in a number of years.
  • We will sell a multi-meal card that will get you ten (10) dinners for the price of nine (9) or just $8.10 each.

The Club sponsors Beer Can Racing as a benefit to members.  We don’t charge for participation (a fee is charged to non-members) but there is a significant cost to the club to put the races on, both in money and in volunteer resources.  Our goal is to have an enjoyable sailing oriented event.  How does the club pay for it?  We try to make some money on the dinners, we try to make some money at the bar, and we don’t pay anyone to organize or work for it.


How can you as a participant or member support the continued existence of our racing program?  Come to dinner with us after the races.  Invite your non-racing spouse or friends or fellow members to meet you there if they aren’t on the boat with you.  Enjoyable as it may be to sit on your boat getting pickled after a race it does the Club, the racing program, and your fellow racers no good at all.  An important part of the program, one that benefits everyone, is coming to the dinner and socializing (i.e. explaining why your boat did whatever it did, for better or worse) with the other sailors.  We strongly urge you to come to dinner after the races.


Instead of glasses, we will be awarding plaques for each race (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and most improved) that you can proudly display on your boat to document your achievement.  We will also have series and season trophies awarded at the Club dinner in September (September 15th – mark your calendar now!).  We will also implement a “Must Be Present To Win” policy so if you are a captain who cannot come in after the race, be sure your crew is there to accept your prize.


As always, we need volunteers to help run the program.  If you would like to help in the galley with the dinners contact Renee Olson Hartig (  If you would like to be a bartender contact Melissa Vivas (  If you would like to help with the race committee contact me.


In closing I’d like to say it again - if you retain only one fact from this article let it be this:  SPYC Beer Can Racing starts Tuesday May 1 at 1800. 

Quincy Bragg, Race Director

May 25, 2016


July 17

June 22, 2017


As you can see winds were light at the beginning of the Treasure Island Race on June 18.  Not to worry, though, it’s summer and this is San Francisco Bay so there was wind even though we had to wait a while and then go looking for it.  The start was actually at about 1:08 instead of noon due to the wind.  It was patchy in places, strong in others, but there was enough and a good time was had by all.  

The rules (everyone read the rules, I’m sure) required a picture be submitted showing the north light of Treasure Island as the boat passed – pretty clear this crew is having a good day.

The race ended up being about 17 n.m. (since we did not begin at the start) and the last boat to finish was at about 5:20.  After the race we had a taco bar at the club so people took advantage of the warm day to relax on the deck and talk about the race into the early evening.  Everybody had a good time – sunny day, warm, a breeze, what’s not to like?

On June 6th we awarded prizes for the first series of five races.  In the first race (PHRF 160 or above) Lackerli was first and No Name second.  In the second race (PHRF 159 or less) Yunona was first with Papoose in second.  Prizes were fabulous new Beer Can Racing t-shirts.

Shirts are available for $20 after the races on Tuesday nights.  Our size selection is limited so if we don’t have it now we will re-order in July to get the one for you.  Let me know what you want!  Note that the one in the picture is a crew shirt; if you are a boat captain there is a different shirt in even more limited supply but those too will be re-ordered in July.  Let me know by July 18 because I’ll order after that.

Racing this year has been good with no cancellations (knock on wood) and good turnout.  Dinner in the club afterwards is always a party.  If you are new to the club this is a great opportunity to volunteer either for the bar (contact Patrick Lydon) or to help with the food (contact Renee Hartig).
Note that there will be no Beer Can Race on July 4th

Quincy Bragg, Race Director


May 22, 2017

To Treasure Island

Yes, the Sierra Point Beer Can Races are going to Treasure Island on Sunday June 18th! After a delicious Sunday Breakfast all captains will meet in the clubhouse at 10:45 for final instructions, then sail out to start racing at noon. The race will start just outside the Brisbane channel, go north, around Treasure Island, and back to finish at the E2 mark finish line. We will have the bar open and light snacks after the race until 6:30 p.m.

All members are invited to join in as well as registered Beer Can racers. If you are not registered for Beer Can Racing just go to the website, read the Sailing Instructions and the special Amendments for this race, and register online. Non-members are welcome too so tell your friends to come along for a fabulous early summer day on the bay! It will be easy: you only have to tack (or gybe) once!

Go to our website, highlight Racing, and click on Treasure Island Race for all the details.

Winners will be announced and prizes awarded after the Beer Can Race on Tuesday June 20th.

If you have questions let me know.


Quincy Bragg, Race Director


April 24, 2017

Let’s Get Serious

Beer Can Racing starts in eight days. The buoys don’t leak. What more can I say?


Quincy Bragg, Race Director


April 13, 2017

Counting Down to the Start

Yes – Beer Can Racing is on the horizon. Just over 2 weeks away! Please send your registrations in before the first race so I can put a roster together in time. You can register online on our website or print the form and fill it in by hand. Don’t wait!
On Sunday April 23rd I will make an introductory presentation at the club for people new to our racing program, or to racing. I’ll talk about our rules, courses, and procedures as well as answer questions you may have about our race program. Starts at 11:30 and should end around 1:00 p.m. so you’ll still have time for a little sailing afterwards. Racing doesn’t have to be intense or stressful – our goal at SPYC is to make it fun. Bring your questions and we’ll make you welcome.
As you can see the Race Committee has tested this year’s prize glasses and found them to be big enough and leak resistant. I used Anchor as that seemed most appropriate. Come along to the races and win one of your own!


Quincy Bragg, Race Director


March 19, 2017

Will you be ready to race?

May 2nd is coming and the SPYC Beer Can Race Committee is gradually getting its act together. The big news is that all the 2017 race documents are now posted on the club website!

You must register this year even if you registered last year. We now have an online registration form – members need to login first then fill out the form, non-members must fill out a preliminary information form, then they can use the online form also. If you prefer, however, you can download a pdf of the form, fill it in, and send it to me.
This year I will be holding a “Beer Can Racing Orientation” presentation on April 23rd from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the club. This is specifically targeted to new racers but everyone is welcome. I’ll review our schedules, rules, courses, and answer any questions people my have. If you are new to the club or just curious about how then racing program works please come and find out all about it!
If you have questions or comments about the Beer Can Races let me know.


Quincy Bragg, Race Director



June 30, 2016

There will be Sierra Point Yacht Club racing next Tuesday



SYPC Tuesday night racing has been cancelled because the USCG has cancelled our racing permits until the “shelter in place” is lifted. Please check back for further updates.




There will be Sierra Point Yacht Club racing next Tuesday.   After an enjoyable long weekend of relaxation and tuning up the boat you will be able to cap the holiday weekend at the races.   Certainly we on the Committee will be there with our big flag.   Should we have a special prize for race boat with the largest flag?  On June 21 Kevin Cerini brought his camera-equipped drone along on the committee boat and followed the starts of each race.   The highlight was whether he could land the drone back on the boat in gusting winds in the mid-teens but all went well and you can see the video Kevin made at (the committee boat is the one with the big flag).


We divide our racing season into three series – the first two series are five races and the third is however many are left.   There were no cancellations this year so the first series concluded on May 31st.   First place winner in the first races series was Outrageous with Lackerli and No Name tied for second.   In the second race Nessie was the winner with Papoose in second.   There was a cancellation on June 14th so we expect the second series to wrap up on July 12.

The summer pattern has settled in after some light winds at the beginning of the season.  Our starts are generally in the teens, it sometimes is windy out in the shipping channel, and we cross our fingers to have winds at the finish in the 8 to 10 knot range.  It makes for a pleasant race with a variety of wind conditions and everybody back well before sunset for dinner.  On a warm evening the club deck is a wonderful place to watch the sunset reflected off the east bay hills.

If you have questions about racing and how you can participate send me an email or give me a call.

Quincy Bragg, Race Director


May 25, 2016

Light Air

Three of our first four races this season have had relatively modest wind.  As May comes to a close we look forward to the summer pattern settling in during June, bringing stronger breezes which allow for longer courses.  Sunset is advancing towards 20:30 so we will have plenty of time for racing.


Light air is just as challenging as heavy air for racing so don’t think it’s easy.  Different tactics and different strategy may be required, more patience certainly, but it’s all good.  The racers coming into the Club afterwards are just as happy as if it had been a heavy evening.


If you haven’t been out to race yet now is the time to start.  The Memorial Day weekend is coming so you’ll have an extra day to get your boat ready to come out on Tuesday for an enjoyable evening of boating and socializing.

Bring your boat to race, or bring yourself to help out (contact me to find out how).

Quincy Bragg, Race Director


April 16, 2016
Beer Can Racing Looms on the Horizon

Only two (2) weeks to go!

Have you registered?  If not please download the form on the racing page, complete it, sign it, and send me a copy – snail mail or e-mail are both good.  I will really appreciate getting your registration in advance.


For those of you wanting to race with us but new to our program I will have an orientation session next Sunday, April 24th, from 11:30 a.m. to about 1:00 p.m.  I’ll describe out program, courses, rules, procedures, and so on.  I will not explain how to operate a sailboat – that’s up to you.


Races will be every Tuesday night through the end of August, first race at 1800.  Afterwards dinner is served in the clubhouse – everyone is invited. 


We always welcome racers from other clubs and marinas, however, once dredging starts in June there will be no extra or overnight berthing available in the marina.  The marina has offered a special rate for Beer Can Racing participants - $10.00 for Tuesday nights in May – that’s five races (does not apply to visitors from Oyster Point or Oyster Cove).  If you know people interested in our racing program from other marinas, such as South Beach or Coyote Point, let them know that at least in May there will be overnight space so they don’t have to slog home after dinner.


I am looking forward to another great season of racing at Sierra Point – hope to see you there!


Quincy Bragg

Race Committee Chairman

March 30, 2016

Beer Can Racing Documents Posted

The 2016 race documents are now posted on the SPYC website!  This includes the Sailing Instructions, course charts, and the registration form.  Please remember that even if you registered in the past you must register again for the current season.
For those of you who are interested in racing but have not done it with us before there will be a race orientation presentation on Sunday April 24th at 11:30 a.m.  I will talk about our rules, courses, and schedule as well as provide suggestions for new racers on starting and rules to observe while racing.  It isn’t complicated and you’ll probably learn some new things about your boat and yourself you didn’t know.

Races are Tuesday nights, first race at 1800.  Afterwards dinner is served in the clubhouse – everyone is welcome.  It’s always fun! If you are not a racer or crew we have numerous opportunities to volunteer and help out – it takes quite a few people to put on each race night and we need committee boat crew, finish line crew, cooks, bartenders, and so on.  Let me know if you would like to know more about helping us out.

We always welcome racers from other clubs and marinas, however, once dredging starts in June there will be no extra or overnight berthing available in the marina.  If you know people interested in our racing program from other marinas let them know that at least in May there will be overnight space in our marina so they don’t have to slog home after dinner.

First race Tuesday May 3rd at 1800 - only 33 days to get your boat and crew ready!

Quincy Bragg
Race Committee Chairman

March 17, 2016
Thinking about

Beer Can Racing Rule Updates for 2016

Since I sent out a first letter about the upcoming Beer Can Race season I have received exactly no (=zero) suggestions for changes or improvements to last year’s rules for the upcoming season.


Based on comments made last year and my review of race results I will eliminate last year’s Instructions part 3.5 which limited the use of spinnakers.  There will be no limitation on spinnakers this year.

If you have other comments or suggestions please let me know a.s.a.p. as I need to post all the documents before April 1.


Only 48 days to get your boat ready – there’s not a moment to be lost!


Quincy Bragg

Race Committee Chairman


March 1, 2016
Starting to think about

Beer Can Racing

SPYC’s racing begins on May 3 and continues every Tuesday night until August 30, a total of 18 dates.  The races are an opportunity for sailing and racing skill improvement regardless of a crew’s skill level as well as an opportunity to socialize with other members and guests.


We are an all-volunteer club so I am looking for help running the program from all members, especially new members.  I am fortunate to have a number of volunteers who come back year after year but there is plenty to do and always room for new participants.  Contact me and we can talk about what needs to be done and how you can participate.


On Sunday April 24th I will present a seminar to introduce our racing program to new racers.  This is a good opportunity for new racers to learn how our program is structured, what our rules and courses are, and to answer any questions.  This year’s rules and courses will be posted on the club’s website no later than April 1.


I have a number of suggestions and comments from racers last year for changes and adjustments to our rules for this season and I will be starting to look at those in the next few weeks.  If you have comments or suggestions you would like to make send me an email and I will respond.


Only about 60 days to get your boat ready, not a moment to be lost!


Quincy Bragg

Race Committee Chairman