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Sierra Point Yacht Club 

HomeRacing News 2020 - 2022

Sierra Point Yacht Club Racing Program Latest News


September 17, 2022

Second Race Series Finished

The series results are below. 

August 30, 2022

Race 18

The race results are below. 

August 23, 2022

Race 17

The race results are below. 

August 16, 2022

Race 16

The race results are below. 

August 9, 2022

Race 15

The race results are below. 

August 6, 2022

Treasure Island Race

The race results are below. You can also look at race pictures from our race photographer Lee Panza here.

August 2, 2022

Race 14

The race results are below. 

July 26, 2022

Race 13

The race results are below. 

July 19, 2022

Race 12

The race results are below. 

July 12, 2022

Race 11

The race results are below. 

July 5, 2022

Race 10

The race was cancelled. 

June 28, 2022

First Series Finished

The series results are below. 

June 28, 2022

Race 9

The race results are below. 

June 21, 2022

Race 8

The race results are below. You can also look at race pictures from our race photographer Lee Panza here.

June 14, 2022

Race 7

The race results are below. You can also look at race pictures from our race photographer Lee Panza here.

June 6, 2022

Race 6

The race results are below. You can also look at race pictures from our race photographer Lee Panza here.

May 31, 2022

Race 5

The race results are below.

May 24, 2022

Race 4

The race results are below.

May 17, 2022

Race 3

The race results are below.

May 10, 2022

Race 2

The race 2 was cancelled due to unavailability of committee boat.

May 6, 2022

Race 1

The race results are below.


September 19, 2021

Second Series Results

The race results are below.

August 24, 2021

Race 17

The race results are below.

August 17, 2021

Race 16

The race as cancelled due to high winds before the start.

August 10, 2021

Race 15

The race results are below.

August 3, 2021

Race 14

The race results are below.

July 31, 2021

Treasure Island Race

The race results are below.

August 8, 2021

Race 13

The race results are below.

July 22, 2021

Race 12

The race results are below.

July 22, 2021

Race 11

The race results are below.

July 2, 2021

First Series Results

The race results are below.

July 8, 2021

Race 10

The race results are below.

July 1, 2021

Race 9

The race results are below.

June 25, 2021

Race 8

The race results are below.

June 23, 2021

Treasure Island Race Update

June 15, 2021

Race 7

The race results are below.

June 9, 2021

Race 6

We are seeing more and more activity returning. Although number of boats in each race has been stable, we have more racers who have come back to racing. Also, there is more attendance to the post race dinner, where 28 meals were sold this week.

This years Treasure Island Race has been scheduled to July 31. More details to come. Check the calendar for race info and registration. 

The race results are below.

June 2, 2021

Race 5

The race results are below.

May 25, 2021

Race 4

The race results are below.

May 18, 2021

Race 3

The race was cancelled due to high winds.


May 11, 2021

Race 2

The second race had eight boats at the starting line so the trend is up. At the start line the winds were light so Dylan chose shorter race course. However, right after the start wind picked up and first boat finished in less than hour causing a considerable panic and confusion with race committee at finish line, who where not prepared for that fast race. The race as followed by usual dinner prepared by Virgilija Tali and as well as drinks at the club. All signs are pointing that things are returning back to normal.

The race results are below.

2021 race 2

May 4, 2021

Race 1

The racing season took off with six boats at the starting line. The weather was nice and the wind held and all boats finished well before sunset. The race was followed by Emily's birthday celebration and Dylan treated everybody present with chinese food dinner.

Pictures from our first race are here, courtesy of Lee Panza.

The race results are below.


April 9, 2021

Gearing up for 2021 Race Season

We are looking forward for 2021 racing season. As we coming out of COVID-19 pandemic, we expect a slow start, but hopefully as we progress more towards 'normal' more racers will join us during the season. We have a new race committee boat skippered by Ron Davis and Lee Panza will be taking pictures at the race course again. Also, Virgilija Tali has volunteered to take charge of race dinners, so come up for your burgers and beer!



September 4, 2020

Treasure Island Race Results - August 29

See the race photo album here.

September 4, 2020

Race Results - August 25

August 19, 2020

Race Results - August 18

August 12, 2020

SPYC Annual Treasure Island Race


Sierra Point Yacht club will be hosting the 4th annual Treasure Island Race on August 29th @ 12pm. Please gather close to the committee boat which will be outside channel marker #1

The race is from the outside of Brisbane Marina, around Treasure Island and back to the #1 channel marker.

More information can be found here.

Food after the race will be prepared at the club and can be taken To-Go.

Contact: Dylan Garrett

August 12, 2020

Race Results - August 11

August 10, 2020

Hello SPYC Racers!!!


The Beer Can racing got off to a rough start as we dealt with dragging anchors on the committee boat but after spending $600 on a new anchor we are finally holding the start line. Many thanks to Vince who has let us use his boat as the committee boat this year. Even though it was a rough start I think people just appreciated being out racing again.

We will be continuing to have Beer Can Races on Tuesday night but we also will be having the Treasure Island Race August 29th. It will be a 12pm start and all are welcome to join. I will post details at the club and on the docks. After the race we will have to-go meals that can be picked up at the club.
It’s nice to see boat out racing again I hope we can finish the season strong.

It’s nice to see boat out racing again I hope we can finish the season strong.

Dylan Garrett


Race Director

Vice Commodore

August 8, 2020

Race Results -August 4

August 8, 2020

Race Results -July 28

July 28, 2020

Race Results -July 21 (Corrected)

July 22, 2020

Race Results -July 14


2020 Race 11

July 22, 2020

Race Results -July 7




USCG has given us approval to start resume racing. The first race will be held on Tuesday July 7th. We  recommend that racers only crew with people who they are sheltering in place with or is in their "pod". There will be no dinner after the race at this time..




August 29, 2019

Racing Season Ends With A Strong Breeze

August 27th was our last race and it was a good one: we had double the winds that were forecast and the fleet had a brisk run to #6 with the flood behind it. Wind at the finish held up at about ten knots until after the last boat finished. Everyone was back in under ninety minutes so there was plenty of time for dinner, and it was a cheerful scene.
I want to thank all my volunteers who worked through the season to make the Beer Can Racing program the success it is. I certainly can’t do it alone! Especially I want to thank Renee for organizing the dinners, Melissa for wrangling bartenders, and Dylan for backing me up as second in command.
With the final race we finished the third series of races and the winners were:

Race 1

First – Outrageous
Second – Lackerli
Third – No Name

Race 2

First – Papoose
Second – Nessie
Third – Giselle

The Racing Awards will be presented at the monthly dinner on Saturday September 21st. Terry O’Connell will be cooking roast beef plus a vegetarian alternative. I hope to see all the racers and crews and hearing their stories of the season. Mark your calendars now!

Quincy Bragg

August 28, 2019

Race Results -August 27


2019 Race 17 Results

Race Results -August 20


2019 Race 16 Results

Race Results -August 13


2019 Race 15 Results

Race Results -August 6


2019 Race 14 Results

July 31, 2019

Race Results -July 30


2019 Race 13 Results

July 30, 2019

Second Race Series of 2019 Concludes

The Sierra Point Beer Can Races are divided into three series of five races. On July 23rd the second series concluded with winners as follows:

Race 1

First – Outrageous
Second – Kissimmee Kate
Third – Sparky

Race 2

First – Nessie
Second – Giselle
Third – Geodesic IV

Congratulations to all of our racers! We have just five more races to go this season so we hope to see all our regulars out there from July 30th to the end of the season on August 27th. If you are new to sail racing it’s not too late to get acquainted. 

Quincy Bragg

July 25, 2019

Race Results -July 24


2019 Race 12 Results

July 17, 2019

Race 11 on July 17 was cancelled due to weather.


July 10, 2019

Race Results -July 9


2019 Race 10 Results

July 10, 2019

Race Results -July 2


2019 Race 9 Results

June 28, 2019

Race Results -June 26


2019 Race 8 Results

June 24, 2019

Treasure Island Race Results - June 22


2019 TI Race Results

June 19, 2019

Race Results -June 19


2019 Race 7 Results

June 12, 2019

First Race Series of 2019 Concludes

The Sierra Point Beer Can Races are divided into three series of five races. Last night, June 11, the first series concluded with winners as follows:

Race 1

First – Outrageous
Second – Sparky
Third – Kissimmee Kate

Race 2

First – Nessie
Second – Papoose
Third – Smoking’ J

Congratulations to all of our racers! Nessie and Papoose have been head to head this season and tied on points but Nessie won the tie breaker.

Last night the wind was unusually flukey at the start with the first race sailors drifting aimlessly in light winds south of the start area while the second race boats had what can only be described as a providential wind that got them off to a quick start.

We will hope that spring heat waves are done for now so we have our normal reliable winds.

Don’t forget – June 22nd is the Treasure Island Race. Let me know at before June 18th that you are going to participate.

June 12, 2019

Race Results -June 11


June 5, 2019

Race Results -June 4


May 30, 2019

Race Results -May 28


2019 Race 4 Results

May 27, 2019

Race to Treasure Island – June 22nd

Treasure Island

The Sierra Point Yacht Club Beer Can Races will have their annual race to Treasure Island on Saturday June 22nd. Captains’ meeting at 1245 and race start at 1400. Racers must confirm their intent to participate not later than June 18th.
This is Summer Sailstice day so make this your event to celebrate sailing and summer on the San Francisco Bay!
The bar will be open from 1600 and we will have a dinner in the club after the race beginning at 1800. Meet your non-racing family and friends at the Club for dinner and tell them all about it!
Dinner cost is $15.00 per person for steak or marinated whole boneless chicken breast or vegetarian lasagna, baked potato, salad, and dessert; beverages not included. Children 12 years of age or under $10.00 each.
Everyone is welcome to compete – see details on our website.

May 15, 2019

Race Results -May 14


2019 Race 2 Results

May 14, 2019

Race Results -May 7


2019 Race 1 Results

That pretty much says it all, folks.  First race next Tuesday, all the information you need to join in is on the Club website.  From the main page click on Racing/Information.

The goals of the Sierra Point YC Beer Can Racing program are to build camaraderie among the participants and to develop and improve sailing skills.  It’s not so different from your weekend afternoon recreational outing except we tell you where to sail – that exercise alone focuses your attention and teaches you about your boat and how to optimize its performance.  Regardless of your skill level or the type of sailboat you own, you are welcome.

On shore we are always eager to have volunteers – we need bartenders, cooks, and start/finish line helpers.  Contact me to volunteer.  It’s a relaxed atmosphere and a change from your everyday routine.  You don’t need to be a sailor to enjoy that.

One final note:  we’ll be having our Treasure Island Race on Saturday June 22nd in the afternoon, followed by dinner at the club.  I’ll have all the information about that posted on the website in a week or two.  If you want to race but Tuesday nights are difficult to fit in, a warm summer Saturday afternoon should be just the thing.


Quincy Bragg