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HomeCalendarSOLD OUT - Monthly Dinner - Larry & Eliana's Amazing Chili Dinner

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SOLD OUT - Monthly Dinner - Larry & Eliana's Amazing Chili Dinner

About this event

Saturday 16 November 2024 Larry and Eliana Bushwalter will be presenting at SPYC an amazing Chile Dinner

As Michele states "This is NOT any old chili! Trust me. This chili has won multiple awards in multiple cookoffs across the country. No beans about it! And no beans in it, either. The tri-tip is smoked to perfection before added to the pot to simmer for hours. Eliana and Larry perfected this recipe with just the right amount of spicy to melt your heart, but not burn the house down. It takes days to make this truly astounding chili so you'd better sign up NOW because there probably will not be enough for walk-ins and late comers!"


Appetizers at 6 PM
Dinner will be served at 7 PM

Larry's Astounding Award Winning Smoked Tri-tip Chili

If you wish to partake of Appetizers and Dinner, please login and register in advance no later than end of day Wednesday November 13.
Dinner is $25 per adult member and $30 for your non-member guest.

Please register by end of day Wednesday November 13th. There is a
$5 late registration fee after that date, if space is still available.

Note the initial step for registration for an event has changed. Please login then scroll down towards the bottom of this page. In the 'Number of People Who Will Attend' section select the number and then click on the 'Register Now' button. The rest of the steps should be the same as before.


Note windows will be open to ensure good air circulation.


Date and Time

Saturday, November 16, 2024, 6:00 PM until 11:00 PM


500 Sierra Point Pkwy
Brisbane, CA  94005

Event Contact(s)

Robert Howard



Registration Info

Registration is not available online - contact the event coordinator
Payment in Full In Advance Or At Event
Remember to login to the web site so you can register yourself and your guests.